Last night at All Souls, our community surprised us with a poem they had written, expressing what All Souls means for them and has become for them. They had our leaders come to the front, as people stood one at a time reading line by line. It’s a powerful gift to stand there and receive words of deep life. It was a beautiful thing. We live within a beautiful community.
On this journey of life
Between suffering and glory
Between salvation and resurrection
Between ruin and redemption
Our souls need a resting place
A gathering space to witness the mystery of transformation
A place to be enveloped by the warm care of community
when we are wearied by winter
So take off your shoes, for you are standing on sacred ground
God has built us a house of healing
from the holy rubble of our lives
It is here that we will be encouraged and refreshed
It is here that our doubt and despair can be destroyed
by love and desire
So come, we are eagerly awaiting your arrival
The welcome mat has been rolled out
And the door lies open for travellers worn from the road
In the name of Jesus, we say “Welcome Home”
It is spacious here
There is enough room at the table for you
Love is freely offered in the breaking of bread
and passing of the cup
If you hunger
Come sup with us
And you will feast on hope, freedom and authenticity
If you thirst
Have a drink with us
And be warmed, awakened and inspired
We will help you hear the voice of Jesus
Bloom into the real you
And find hospitality, restoration and shalom
And take the peace of Christ
For you do not have to walk alone
Be known
Be understood
Be listened to
Be artful
Be open
Be free
Be beautiful
Be warmed and filled
And take off your shoes
But, most of all
Be at home
For this place has been set aside for us
The fire has been prepared
And it is burning with great anticipation
Eagerly awaiting the arrival
Your Soul
All Souls
Here are pictures from yesterday’s #adventpicaday. Let’s do three this final week. That will be the photographer’s gift to the rest of us.
Untitled / labtrout |
Untitled / marvelissa |
Flickering to Life / worth wheeler |