In an attempt to make things as complicated as possible, the Kindle edition of a couple titles have a different cover. Also, it’s proper for me to let you know that purchases made following these links may yield me, the pauper writer, a pittance of your purchase price.

With years of research, interviews and intimate access to letters, manuscripts and private journals, this authorized biography tells the story–profoundly human and holy at the same time–of beloved pastor, writer and friend Eugene Peterson. Purchase A Burning in My Bones at Hearts and Minds Books, Amazon, Barnes and Noble, Books-a-Million, and Indiebound. Available March 2021.

My first novel digs into the life of Jonas McAnn, a pastor in a small Virginia town. It’s an epistolary novel, the story told via letters Jonas writes to his congregation. Purchase Love Big, Be Well: Letters to a Small-Town Church (Eerdmans) via Amazon, Hearts & Minds Bookstore or your favorite local bookseller.

After the upheaval of fatherhood and a rough stretch in our marriage, I recognized a hunger for a wiser, older guide who knew how to walk in the world with courage and laughter. These letters between Fenelon (a 17th century French bishop) and his younger friends resonate with my own soul-wrestlings. Let God: Spiritual Conversations with Francois Fenelon (Paraclete Press, Dirty Paper Press) is currently only available via Amazon.

It’s remarkable how many times in the gospels Jesus, rather than providing an answer, asked a question. Jesus, it seems, regularly aimed for a conversation. Centering on 9 questions Jesus posed, I hear these queries anew–and see where they will take us. Holy Curiosity: Encountering Jesus’ Provocative Questions (Baker) is currently only available via Amazon
My first solo book took shape as I began to reckon with my stumbling, off-kilter faith. My well-managed assumptions about God ran headlong into strange graces: suffering, disappointment, doubt, fear – and then a tender yet hard-scrabble prophet named Malachi. Restless Faith: Hanging On to a God Just Out of Reach (NavPress) is currently only available via Amazon