Prayers around the table, everyone holding hands while keeping one eye squinty-open in the direction of the turkey or ham or turducken or tofu, is a sacred moment. Here’s a good prayer, if you’re looking for one:
Give us this day our daily bread, O Father in heaven, and grant that we who are filled with good things from Your open hand, may never close our hearts to the hungry, the homelessĀ and the poor; in the name of the Father and the of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. {The New Clairveaux Abbey}
Or simpler fare from yours truly:
Thanks, God. This is grand.
I love that this is not some long prayer with a lot of words that I will have to ask Robert what they mean. It’s exactly what I expected from you, Winn…. truth, simple and authentic.
Thankful for the Colliers.
one of Luther’s rules (and my dad’s too) was short prayers. I like that.
Beautiful, and how poignant a reminder that our thankfulness should result in praise to God and care for others, and isn’t that the Gospel?
I believe it is, Austin. Let’s live it, eh?
Indeed. We’re inviting a family we met on our mission trip to Ringgold, GA last year to a Thanksgiving meal tomorrow and looking forward to serving them.
On my first Gluten Free holiday this Celiac kid is thankful again that our Daily Bread is not found in stuffing, or gravy, or casseroles, but in Christ alone who is enough. Always enough, and then some. Thanks for the powerful reminder of those who, for whatever reason, struggle for bread in this life.
I’m thankful for that, for sure. I will also have to admit to being thankful for the fact that I can eat stuffing and the like. And I will pray for good Gluten-free recipes for you and yours.
Eat it up, leftovers and all. And enjoy a little extra pie for me!