Living Christ, you say you are always with those who suffer, with those who are crushed and terrified, with all who are drowned by sorrow and rage. And since I take you at your word, this means that you walk this very moment in Israel and Gaza, among the millions who are tear-stained and grief-stricken. You walk among the corpses in desolate kibbutzes and cratered City streets. You bend your ear toward the thunderous wails of lament.
Suffering Christ, you once shed tears on this same soil. You wept. Surely you weep again. As you make your way among the shattered children who now have no parent to sing away the fear — sing a song over them. As you walk these rubbled neighborhoods, remind us that in our terror and in our retribution, we kill our brothers and our sisters.
Risen Christ, your resurrection story seems ludicrous, naive, especially when war burns hot. How do we live your resurrection amid a conflict so ancient and entrenched, so extreme in its inhumanity, so lopsided in its disbursement of power? Teach us to seek justice in just ways. Teach us that “they” — all of us — are your beloved.
Living Christ, you teach us to pray, “on earth as in heaven.” You teach us to live “on earth as in heaven.” This death and destruction, we know, is not heaven. None of it. Give us life. Stop our killing. Protect the innocent. Give us justice. Give us mercy.
Merciful Christ, save us from ourselves.
Thank you for sharing this. I return to it again and again. Comfort during this dark time. Bless you
Thank you, Winn. This gives us words to pray when we don’t know what to pray.
What a wonderful “thought”. Winn I lve the way you write. You lift me up again and again. I grow spiritually a little taller each time I read from you.
God richly bless you.
I’m back with you and sorry I missed so much of your writings. So very thankful that you are still here and giving us insight to Jesus and what He did for us and what he would do when confronted with doubt and confusion.
Write on.