Autumn Joys

The crisp morning air teases, hints at what’s coming. We watch the colors come afire on Carter’s Mountain, signal that we best get ourselves up into the orchards for the Gala and the Fuji and the Red Delicious and the Golden Delicious and the HoneyCrisp and the (praise the Almighty!) CandyCrisp. Miska puts oranges and cinnamon simmering on the stove, drawing Colliers from the four corners of the house, curious.

Saturday pigskin. Winn’s Texas chili. Tossing the football with the boys. Fireplace. More reason to snuggle. The joys of autumn.

4 Replies to “Autumn Joys”

  1. I wish we had Autumn in Florida! We live in the world of eternal summer down here.I'm trying to wear my Fall colors as a sign of protest against the fact that I could still go to the beach at this time of the year. I miss flannel,sweaters,coats,the need to look for warmth instead of sweating every time I walk outside.But I'm thankful that I do sense I am in a new and different season.There is a change of environment in my heart.

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