Ordination, Again

Winn at All Saints in Winter Park, FL

A year ago today, I was ordained in The Episcopal Church. This was not a detour from my ordination 23 years prior but a continuation, a deepening. In a time when the American church seems in disarray, when we’re captured by many idols, when much of the zeitgeist is in the opposite direction (“spiritual but not religious”), I’m redoubling my yes. I’m committed to this battered, bruised church, this community where we are so often in need of repentance and mercy.

I’m with the church because I seek to be a disciple of Jesus, and Jesus said the Church is his body. And I want to be as close to Jesus’ body as I can possibly be.

I find Dorothy Day both sobering and hopeful. “I think the Church is the only thing that is going to make a terrible world we are coming to endurable, the only thing that makes the church endurable is that it is somehow the body of Christ and on this we are fed. It seems to be a fact that you have to suffer as much from the church as for it….”

I’ve been around the ecclesial block far too many times to have glistening illusions about the church as a paradigm of perfection. Rather, we are a community who proclaims that in Jesus Christ, God has acted to save the world. And we, the Church, are the first in line in need of rescue.

9 Replies to “Ordination, Again”

  1. Winn, I love that quote from Dorothy Day. And this I wholly agree with. The church is this world’s only hope….we have to keep shining for Jesus as this world gets darker and darker.

    1. Dorothy’s usually good for a bit of wisdom. I like to make sure to keep it clear that Jesus is the world’s hope (which I know is what you mean), but I’m sure glad we get to participate with Jesus.

  2. Winn, I love that most reverend picture of you. I Like the way you tell a story of your feelings. It makes me feel it!

  3. Were you ordained in a specific denomination? I am curious. I have always enjoyed your reflections and your book.

    Rev. Glenn Perica
    Ft. Collins CO

  4. Winn, I appreciate your devotionals that you contribute to Our Daily Bread. And, through that ministry we became curious about your other thoughts. My husband and I both feel we’ve met a kindred spirit.
    Thank you for sharing your slice of life with us and challenging our hearts.
    Lord, please bless your church, in all its places and spaces.

  5. Congratulations on your ordination last year! I somehow managed to miss the news. Sounds like your life has continued to be quite interesting after leaving Charlottesville!

    (And I just ordered “Holy Curiosity” :))

    1. It’s the first I’ve mentioned it in writing, I believe. I remember our conversations warmly. Thank you for snagging Holy Curiosity.

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