First Saturday of Advent

Lamplight / crmonetti
Juxtaposition / kt_writes (kristin)

We’re seeing some wonderful pictures. I’d love to credit you by name – and more than that, I’d like to know your name, to know you. Perhaps in the future we can add our names to the title, if our name is not obvious in our profile.

You can follow along via instagram or twitter by searching #adventpicaday. Here’s why we’re doing this.

First Tuesday of Advent

Perhaps we’ll make it two pictures a day. There are so many good ones, I’m just having to close my eyes and stick my hand in the pile and see what I grab.

Here’s the context for what we’re doing. If you want to share with us what you’re seeing and how you’re watching (or just want to follow along and receive other’s gift), use #adventpicaday on instagram or twitter.

Waiting Together / kristen gohean
Waiting, Waiting / liz rand