Friends, you’ll find 3.5 years of sweat, joy, self-doubt, tears, befuddlement, worry, delight, and prayer on these pages. Most every day, I was in way over my head. The closing sentences felt like an amen.
I’m happy to pass along a first peek of the biography. The release date is March 23rd, but you can pre-order now.
Wow! What beautiful writing, Winn! I’m hooked!
I am so entirely stoked to read this! I just finished my seminary (career, slog, pilgrimage, undoing, season of madness) experience at the same school Eugene attended as an undergrad, and I couldn’t begin to fathom how much of his writing served as an impetus to return to school at midlife. Curt
“season of madness” — so right. Thank you.
Thank you, Winn. I have ordered the book through Amazon. Thanks!
thank you, Mary.
We are so looking forward to reading the rest of this! Thanks for all your research and hard work Winn – love your writing. A suggestion – include a link to pre-order the book. Just encourages readers to do that with a click.
thanks, Christina. There is a link at the end of this preview, and I will be sharing a link to order through my favorite independent bookseller soon. Thank you.
I read and loved the preview and am counting the days until the book is published! Bravo!
Winn – There is a little library in northeast Ohio that will own this book the minute (well a few minutes after) it is published. We may have to have a Winn Collier display. Hmmmm
well, wouldn’t that be fun
Already pre-ordered mine from “Hearts and Minds”. Can’t wait to get it! Thanks.
excellent. My favorite independent bookseller.
Winn, I was so moved by the Introduction, I was inspired to share it with my friendship group this morning, as well as my response to it. Can’t wait to read it and have already promoted it to several people. Thanks for staying the course. I thoroughly enjoy your writing.
Darla Rand
Thank you, Darla
Just read the sneak peak. WOW can’t wait to get the book