Once upon a time, a certain fellow laid on a horn a tad longer than he should have because the driver of a black Jeep completely ignored a 4-way stop. It’s been a stressful few days and the horn felt so good for a flash of a moment–and truth told, narcissist drivers who punch it at 4-ways, totally ignoring the rules of engagement and just basic decency, are one of this fellow’s great annoyances. Nevertheless, this same justice-enraged fellow also desires mercy and gentleness and forbearance and such things, and all these noble ideals were swiftly forgotten, all for the fleeting joy of giving that Jeep a blast of whatfor.
Yet, a mere three minutes after venting frustrations via that horn from hell, this same fellow heard the guy in front of him order a Frappuccino, and in what a psychologist or priest would surely say was a subconscious act of penance, he told the Starbucks barista, “Hey, I’ll get that,” and handed the barista his card. Only then, this penitent fellow realized that the guy in front of him had not ordered merely a Frappuccino but rather drinks and snacks, and apparently take out dinner, for his entire lawn maintenance crew. But he couldn’t back out because the gesture was so grand and the barista so effusive with praise and the guy who made the order was confused, but smiling wide.
So the remorseful horn blower, now drained of coffee funds until the new millennium, has many new things to ponder in his heart.
Thanks for the laugh!!
Such a cute story. I am still smiling. Thanks.
I love this…….
Hilarious! Thanks for the humility in sharing this.
Oh if eyes could see…..Perhaps our retinas would burn out. Very funny story, Winn. Thank you for putting it to words.
Winn, I had a hard time following this story. Probably my dyslexia! I couldn’t keep the good guy from the bad guy! I am a retired nurse and I just didn’t have enough evidence of each person was in the story. Sorry, but the others got it just fine, from reading the replies
Health, comfort and joy !
You just met my need for humor. Thank you.