Well, It didn’t last long. Twitter: not so much. I’m not knocking it for others, but it’s not my kind of gig. I think I still have a little too much cultural orneriness – for instance, I’m bemoaning the slow death of newspapers and hardback books.
I wiggled my toes in the water, but … it’s just overload. I don’t need more reasons to live my life with the jitters (I mean, the twitters). I don’t need to have any more reasons to be distracted. You can’t have much of a conversation with 140 characters – and really, do any of you care to know where am I or what dumb thought I’m thinking at any given freakin’ moment? I doubt it – and if you do, email me. I’ll be happy to tell you.
Besides, Miska said I was sleeping on the counch until I was Twitter-free : )
I probably won’t delete my account (though I will be deleting it from my phone), but if anyone waits to hear from me via Twitter, I’m guessing you’re going to get mostly silence.
Been there. Decided the same thing!
Good move, friend. And maybe it’s just me, but I don’t think hardback books are going anywhere.
Hurrah! In the words of NFL Blitz 2000, “That’s [one] more point for the good guys!”
Just the name, Twitter, is annoying.:)
update (as if you care): so, I’m not entirely twitter-free, but will only use it for occasional status updates, aka facebook. It’s even integrated.