I am eager for Easter, eager for life. I’m very much looking forward to reading and chatting about N.T. Wright’s The Challenge of Easter here with you. If you haven’t purchased your copy yet, you still can, really. We will discuss chapter one here on Monday – and you can read it in about 15 minutes.
One of the things I’m most eager about is having other voices helping us to make this a shared, communal conversation. Each of them will offer a post on one of the chapters (each Monday, beginning this Monday), and I want to introduce them to you.
Nathan Elmore | nathan is a true cohort. He and I worked side by side, dreaming and scheming, in Clemson, SC for almost three years. In those years, he became a brother. He is a man who knows how to properly use the power of metaphor (and that’s saying something). Nathan sees truth (and questions) in things as diverse as fine vino and Jack Black. Nathan doesn’t blog, but (and I’m still processing this) he twitters.
Juli Kalbaugh | juli is the first artist who made me cry because of the beauty and power of her painting. She wrestles hard, loves hard, hopes hard. She and her hubby Corey have been part of our life / family for years and years – and will be for years to come. In fact, they are living with us right now, which is quite a hoot. Juli blogs @ evening soultide.
John Blase | john is the best friend I have that I’ve never actually met. We’ve only connected through the digital reality (in fact, I’m not even sure I’ve ever heard his voice on the phone), but I will tell you this – John and I are kindred spirits. He is my kind of man, my kind of writer. John blogs @ the dirty shame.
Miska Collier | miska is a woman with a fierce heart; she is, in fact – and in every way – the best woman I know. She is a pastor and spiritual director in our little community (All Souls Charlottesville), and when I need to encounter hope or life or Jesus, Miska is very often God’s voice for me. There are people who we say have helped make us who we are – well, I firmly believe that, when my days are done, most of what God will have allowed me to be/say/do will trace its way back to the gift God gave me in Miska. Miska blogs (but only often enough to make us all feel like she is a tease) @ for the sweet love of god.
Justin Scott | justin is a man of many amazing talents: bangs the keyboard like Ben Folds, opines like David Brooks and works electrical wizardry like someone very famous and electrical-wizardly, but since I know nothing about that field I’m drawing a blank. One of my joys over the last ten years has been watching Justin and Erin step into their place in this world. Justin blogs @ guesswork theory.
Will you add your voice too? I hope you will.
The Resurrection really is the center point in this whole story the Gospel is telling. As Jeroslav Pelikan said, “If Jesus rose from the dead, nothing else matters; and if Jesus didn’t rise from the dead, nothing else matters.”
I wonder if that might be so – and if yes, why? Let’s imagine together…
That is an all-star line-up, I'm looking forward to the conversation.