Turks of Finance

This past weekend, we had a yard sale, clearing out a few closets and trying to unload a mish-mash of, uhm treasures, on unsuspecting neighbors. It took a bit of coaxing to convince Wyatt and Seth to relinquish a small collection of busted cars and forgotten stuffed animals. These toys were all buried in the dark recesses of their room, places where even an OCD-for-clean mother dares not roam (I’m not saying we have one of those in our house – just a literary image, work with me); but as soon as they caught wind of the fact that they would no longer own these tattered items they didn’t remember they had, you’d have thought we suggested they abandon their closest, dearest friend to a life of misery and pain. How could we…? 

Their disbelief at our cold-hearted ways did an about-face, however, the moment they saw the possibilities. They concocted a scheme. Rather than contributing to the family pot like the rest of us, they would keep the proceeds from their items. I’m not sure how Miska and I let that one sneak by, we’re still piecing that together. But now, finding stuff to sell was no longer a problem. They would have sold one another if they could have figured out how.

Next, the boys talked Miska into a lemonade and cookie stand. Lemonade Miska and I paid for, cookies Miska made. And the two young titans informed us that, if we cared to taste either, we were more than welcome to make a purchase. We could even charge it, if cash were a problem.

That afternoon after we finished, Wyatt and Seth were flush with capitalistic visions. And Wyatt wanted to share.

Wyatt: I know something a little bit good.

Me: What’s that?

Wyatt: When you guys die – well, its not good that you will die – but when you guys die, Seth and me are going to inhale a lot of money.

Miska: Do you mean inherit?

Wyatt: Yeah, we are going to inherit a lot of money. We’re going to have a big sale with all your stuff. And we are going to make a lot of money… like $200!

Two Benjamin Franklins, that’s it. And maybe the cost of a lemonade and chocolate chip cookie tossed in, just to be generous.

8 Replies to “Turks of Finance”

  1. Jared, I tried that "like" option for a moment, but didn't care for the way it looked. You can easily like/share it with a click from the share bar if you're feeling generous.

    You should have been here, Debbie. You would have gotten more than a few laughs.

  2. I remember when I reached a certain age and my parents sold a bunch of my toys at a yard sale (legos mostly, I think) and pocketed all the money. I thought I had suffered one of the greatest injustices of all time. Can't say I feel much differently now, really.

  3. well, we were trying to make enough to get our washer fixed. And it's their grub that uses the washer the most, wasn't like we were buying ourselves an ipad or something. though…

  4. I'd like to say this line of thinking ends when they grow up, Winn, but I'm not sure if it ever does. Just ask any parent-funded college student what he does with the money he gets from selling his textbooks at the end of the semester. 😉

  5. Dave, is this something I need to address with our boys now?

    Heckster, I'm sure Michelle would just love to have those scattered about the living room, poised in various spots on the bookshelves.

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